IGU CGoG NEWSLETTER 2/2021 - July - December 2021
Carlos Nunes Silva (ed.) (2022). Local Government
and the COVID-19 Pandemic. A Global Perspective. Cham, Switzerland: Springer
(ISBN 978-3-030-91111-9).
View this title online at: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030911119
2022 - (Extraordinary) International Geographical Congress
'Time for Geographers'
Paris, France, 18 - 22 July 2022
Congress website: https://www.ugiparis2022.org/
The IGU Commissions Excellence Award Committee unanimously nominated the Commission “Geography of Governance” for the IGU Commissions Excellence Award 2020.
The IGU Commission on Geography of Governance took place on 23-24 June 2021
Organizing Commissions
Commission on Political Geography
Commission on Cultural Approaches to Geography
Commission on the History of Geography
Commission on the Geography of Tourism, Leisure and Global Change
Commission on Toponymy
Commission on the Geography of Governance
Scientific organization
Elena Dell'Agnese, Università di Milano-Bicocca
Fabio Pollice, Università del Salento
Scientific committee
Hamzah Bin Muzaini, National University of Singapore
Louis Dupont, Université Paris-Sorbonne
Je-Hun Ryu, Korea National University of Education
Romeo Hanxhari, University of Tirana
Peter Jordan, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Virginie Mamadouh, University of Amsterdam
Claudio Minca, Macquarie
Dieter Müller, Umeå universitet
Alec Murphy, University of Oregon
Velvet Nelson, Sam Houston State University
Carlos Nunes Silva, University of Lisbon
Cosimo Palagiano, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Jarkko Saarinen, University of Oulu
Marcella Schmidt di Friedberg, Università di Milano-Bicocca
Anna Trono, Università del Salento
Local organization: Federica Epifani, Patrizia Miggiano, Sara Nocco, Antonella Rinella, Marco Sponziello
Web: http://conference.unisalento.it/ocs/index.php/heritagegeographies/heritagegeographies
Info: heritagegeographies@unisalento.it
Themes for Sessions and Papers
1. Heritage governance
2. Heritage and Urban Planning
3. Heritage-telling
4. Patrimonialization of cultural heritage
5. Heritage and ICTs
6. Memories from the territories and educational strategies
7. Heritage geopolitics
8. Heritage and knowledge economy
9. Heritage for consumption: tourists and tourism
10. Heritage and toponymy
11. Heritages, Mediterranean cultures and Southern thinking
12. Dark Heritage (from below)
Conference website >>>
Conference e-mail: heritagegeographies@unisalento.it
Sessions description >>>
Call for abstracts >>>
Call for Sessions on 'Local and Urban Governance' (Sessions 12 to 15) >>>
IGU Commission Geography of Governance - contact
For additional information regarding the 4 sessions promoted by the IGU Commission on Geography of Governance, contact: igu.geogov@gmail.com