Annual Meeting of the American
Association of Geographers
3-7 April 2019, Washington DC
Call for papers
"Local Governance and New
Challenges in Urban Policy in a Changing World"
Eran Razin (The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, Israel) & Carlos Nunes Silva (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Local government and urban
governance networks are of prime significance for the quality of life in human settlements,
urban policies and patterns of spatial change. Hence, the study of aspects of
local governance, such as territorial reforms, changing hierarchies and
networks, local finance, intra- and inter-sectoral partnerships, local
leadership, urban politics and citizen participation, is perpetual since the
late 19th century. Nevertheless, the 21st century presents diverse new
challenges, including reaction to climate change and environmental
sustainability, adaptation to immigration and diversity, application of new
“smart city” technologies in local management, and political-ideological
transformation, such as the predominance of neo-liberalism and the rise of
The International Geographical
Union Commission on Geography of Governance aims to advance knowledge of the
geography of territorial governance, at the urban, local and regional levels,
namely the conditions, scale and characteristics of new modes of territorial
governance, and its social, cultural, political, economic and environmental
consequences. It also aims to identify new perspectives and to explore new
research methodologies and different geographical approaches in the field of
urban, local and regional governance.
SESSION 1. Local Governance and New Challenges in Urban
Policy in a Changing World 1: Governance Networks and Local Government Reform (Chair: Eran Razin) >>>
SESSION 2. Local Governance and New Challenges in Urban
Policy in a Changing World 2: Aspects of urban development I (Chair:Carlos Nunes Silva) >>>
SESSION 3. Local Governance and New Challenges in Urban
Policy in a Changing World 3: Aspects of urban development II (Chair: Eran Razin) >>>
SESSION 4. Local Governance and New Challenges in Urban Policy in a Changing World 4: A social-environmental sustainability focus (Chair: Carlos Nunes Silva) >>>
SESSION 4. Local Governance and New Challenges in Urban Policy in a Changing World 4: A social-environmental sustainability focus (Chair: Carlos Nunes Silva) >>>