Saturday, 13 January 2018

Checks and balances in planning decentralization: lessons from Ontario

Razin, Eran (2018). Checks and balances in planning decentralization: lessons from Ontario. In: Lehavi, A. (ed.) One Hundred Years of Zoning and the Future of Cities. Springer, pp. 177-199.

[Eran Razin - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

Cultural event management and urban e-planning through bottom-up user participation

Trono, Anna; Angelo Corallo; Laura Fortunato; Francesco Pettinato & Laura Schina (2018). Cultural event management and urban e-planning through bottom-up user participation. International Journal of E-Planning Research, Vol. 7 (1): 15-33. 

[Anna Trono - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

Political geography: political ideologies, democracy and elections (in Slovak)

Buček, J., Plešivčák, M., Przybyla V. (2017). Political geography: political ideologies, democracy and elections (in Slovak). Bratislava: Comenius University. 

[Jan Bucek - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

Self-government, Development and Political Extremism at the Regional Level: A Case Study from the Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia

Buček J., Plešivčák, M. (2017). Self-government, Development and Political Extremism at the Regional Level: A Case Study from the Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia, Sociológia, Vol.49, No. 6, pp. 599-635. 


This article is a contribution to the debate on specific and interrelated problems of regional government, regional development and the electoral success of radical political forces in post-socialist Europe in the late transition times and during the financial and economic crisis and its aftermath. We document these issues based on the case of Banská Bystrica region, which is perceived as one of the most problematic territories in Slovakia in terms of socio-economic development. We attempt to explain the political success of the radical far-right political party Kotleba – Ľudová strana Naše Slovensko, observable since 2013, through an assessment of socio-economic data, in-depth interviews, as well as statistical analysis. We suggest that the persistently difficult social and economic situation, the contradictory population structure and processes (ageing, migration, multi-ethnicity), less successful regional development policies of central state and EU cohesion policy goals and implementation, as well as the weaker position and capacities of regional self-government have contributed to growing apathy and disillusionment in mainstream political parties, rising Euroscepticism and finally the electoral success of the far-right in this region.

[ Jan Bucek - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

In the centre, but still on the periphery: Is there any room for development of socio-economically deprived region in Slovakia?

Plešivčák, M., Buček, J. (2017). In the centre, but still on the periphery: Is there any room for development of socio-economically deprived region in Slovakia? International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 44 Issue: 11, pp.1539-1558. 

[ Jan Bucek - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

Local Government and UrbanGovernance in Europe

[Carlos Nunes Silva - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]
[Jan Bucek - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

Economic and Social Reforms in the North Caucasus: Goals, Limitations, Problems, and Results

Kolosov, V.A., Vendina, O.I., Gritsenko, A.A., Glezer, O.B., Zotova, M.V., Sebentsov, A.B., and Panin, A.N. (2017). Economic and Social Reforms in the North Caucasus: Goals, Limitations, Problems, and Results, Regional Research of Russia, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 259–270. DOI: 10.1134/S2079970517030029
[Olga Glezer - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

Local Governance and Region

[ Yosuke Maeda - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

Farewell to Decentralisation: The Hungarian Story and its General Implications

Ilona Pálné Kovács; Ákos Bodor; István Finta; Zoltán Grünhut; Péter Kacziba & Gábor Zongor  (2017). Farewell to Decentralisation: The Hungarian Story and its General Implications. Croatian and comparative public administration : a journal for theory and practice of public administration, Vol.16, No.4,  pages 789-816.

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[Ilona Pálné Kovács- member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

Assessing land use plan implementation: Bridging the performance-conformance divide

Eran Feitelson, Daniel Felsenstein, Eran Razin, Eliahu Stern (2017). Assessing land use plan implementation: Bridging the performance-conformance divide, Land Use Policy, Volume 61, 2017, Pages 251-264

The assessment of land use plan implementation is a contentious issue. The debate centers on whether the crucial evaluation element is conformance of development to plan directives or alternatively, plan performance, i.e. the degree to which the plan is actually used. An analytic framework combining both conformance and performance in the evaluation of (regional) land use plans is applied to the case of the Central District Plan in Israel. Qualitative and quantitative simulation methods are exploited. Qualitative analysis reveals that both performance and conformance are greater than indicated by non-contextualized, numeric evaluations. Additionally, high conformance does not necessarily imply good plan performance. Quantitative simulation suggests that plan performance with respect to land values and densities is initially pronounced as expectations for development are subdued but subsequently tends to wane merging with the counterfactual trend. Findings imply that plan assessment needs to consider the transaction costs of land use re-designation and actors’ perceptions of the probability that plan amendments will be approved. These perceptions differ across actors as a function of the political influence that they wield.

Keywords: Plan implementation evaluation; Land use planning; Regional planning; Israel

[Eran Razin - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

Inequality and Governance in the Metropolis, Regimes of Place Equality and Fiscal Choices in Eleven Countries

Cohesion Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: The Challenge of Learning

Kováks, Ilona Palné (2016).  Cohesion Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: The Challenge of Learning. In Simona Piattoni & Laura Polverari (eds.). Handbook of Cohesion Policy in the EU. Cheltenham (UK) : Edward Elgar, pp. 302-324.

[Ilona Palné  Kováks - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

Participatory methods in urban planning

Jankowski, Piotr & Kaczmarek, Tomasz (eds.) (2017). Participatory methods in urban planning. Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna (Regional Development and Regional Policy) No 35. Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej. Adam Mickiewicz University. Poznań.


[Tomasz Kaczmarek - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]


Administrative division of Poland – 25 years of experience during the systemic transformation

Kaczmarek, Tomasz (2016).  Administrative division of Poland – 25 years of experience during the systemic transformation. EchoGéo 35/2016: 1-16. 

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[Tomasz Kaczmarek - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

Participation in public consultations on spatial planning documents. The case of Poznań City

Kaczmarek, Tomasz & Wójcicki, M. (2016). Participation in public consultations on spatial planning documents. The case of Poznań City. Quaestiones Geographicae, 35(2): 71-82.

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[Tomasz Kaczmarek - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]


Territorial Governance across Europe: Pathways, Practices and Prospects.



This book provides a comprehensive framework for analysing, comparing and promoting territorial governance in policy relevant research. It reveals in-depth considerations of the emergence, state-of-the art and evolution of the concept of territorial governance. A unique series of ten case studies across Europe, from neighbourhood planning in North Shields in the North East of England to climate change adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region, provides far-reaching insights into a number of key elements of territorial governance. The book draws generalised empirically-based conclusions and discusses modes of transferability of ‘good practices’. A number of suggestions are presented as to how the main findings from this book can inform theories of territorial governance and spatial policy and planning.

[Peter Schmitt - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance] 

Governing Urban Africa

 Carlos Nunes Silva (ed.) (2016). Governing Urban Africa. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

(El País, reseña 20 03 2017)
[Carlos Nunes Silva - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

Urban Development Policy Challenges in East-Central Europe: Governance, City Regions and Financialisation

Urban Development Policy Challenges in East-Central Europe: Governance, City Regions and Financialisation

Quaestiones Geographicae. The Journal of Adam Mickiewicz University. Volume 35, Issue 2, June 2016 (Special Issue)

Full texts available at:

[Jan Bucek - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

Urban Planning in North Africa

[Carlos Nunes Silva - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

IGU Commission Geography of Governance Annual Conference, 2015 - articles published in the IJEPR

International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), 2015 & 2016 -

International Conference "Local Government and Urban Governance: Citizen Responsive Innovations in Europe and in Africa" (IGU Commission Geography of Governance - Lisbon, 9-10 April 2015)

Tobias Vaerst, Theresa Steffens & Robert Lokaiczyk (2015).Concerns Management, E-Government and E-Participation: Experiences and Findings from Germany. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) 4(4): 36-49.


Carlo Francesco Capra (2016).The Smart City and its Citizens: Governance and Citizen Participation in Amsterdam Smart City. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) 5(1): 20-38.


Lukasz Damurski (2016). Recent Progress in Online Communication Tools for Urban Planning: A Comparative Study of Polish and German Municipalities. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) 5(1): 39-54.


[Papers from the IGU Commission Geography of Governance Annual Conference, 2015]

Governance in Transition

Andrew Ryder & Ján Buček  (eds.) (2015). Governance in Transition. Springer Netherlands, 341 pages, (hardcover ISBN 978-94-007-5502-4; eBook ISBN 978-94-007-5503-1)

View this title online at:

[Jan Bucek - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]
[Andrew Ryder - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

Fiscal Austerity and Innovation in Local Governance in Europe


[Carlos Nunes Silva - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]
[Jan Bucek - member IGU Commission Geography of Governance]

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

World Urban Forum 2018

Cities 2030, Cities for all: Implementing the New Urban Agenda

Kuala Lumpur, 7 - 13 Feb 2018 

"The Ninth Session of the World Urban Forum will be the first session to focus on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda adopted in Habitat III. WUF9 will be instrumental to substantively feed into the inputs for the first report of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda."

IGU Commission Geography of Governance' 2018 Annual International Conference

"Local Governance in the New Urban Agenda" -->