Friday, 10 February 2017

Recommendations for the New Urban Agenda

N-aerus  (2016). Recommendations for the New Urban Agenda. A Cities Alliance and N-AERUS Partnership Activity to facilitate the link between knowledge generation and global policy-making towards Habitat III. (ISBN 978-84-617-7481-4)

Thursday, 9 February 2017

German Congress of Geography 2017

German Congress of Geography
Tübingen, Germany
September 30th to October 5th 2017

The Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies

Dorina Pojani & Dominic Stead (Eds.) (2017).  ‘The Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies’. Springer  (ISBN: 978-3-319-43849-8)  


Farewell to Decentralisation: The Hungarian Story and its General Implications

Ilona Pálné; Ákos Bodor; István Finta; Zoltán Grünhut; Péter Kacziba & Gábor Zongor  (2017). Farewell to Decentralisation: The Hungarian Story and its General Implications. Croatian and comparative public administration : a journal for theory and practice of public administration, Vol.16, No.4,  pages 789-816.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Territorial Governance across Europe: Pathways, Practices and Prospects



This book provides a comprehensive framework for analysing, comparing and promoting territorial governance in policy relevant research. It reveals in-depth considerations of the emergence, state-of-the art and evolution of the concept of territorial governance. A unique series of ten case studies across Europe, from neighbourhood planning in North Shields in the North East of England to climate change adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region, provides far-reaching insights into a number of key elements of territorial governance. The book draws generalised empirically-based conclusions and discusses modes of transferability of ‘good practices’. A number of suggestions are presented as to how the main findings from this book can inform theories of territorial governance and spatial policy and planning.